Saturday, June 14, 2008

Let's Fly!

Let's Fly!

Something a bit different from Frank Uhlig today.

Getting a private pilot's license must be fantastic. Just hop into a little plane, no goddamn security lines or toiletries in a bloody ziplock, and off you go to some fabulous destination.

And, while you're on your way there, why not try a few aerial maneuvers to impress the girls you've brought along for the ride?

Or not, as the case may be. Unfortunately for one of the passengers on this flight, the bouncing aircraft followed by a few seconds of weightlessness does not end well. Watch the girl on the left but only if you have a strong constitution.

To see how well something less-than-aerodynamic can fly, check out this Airborne VW Bus !

Watch the Let's Fly! video.

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