Saturday, August 16, 2008

Extreme Toyota Prius

Extreme Toyota Prius
Big Swedish shoutout to sportbilen for this slick upload.

We like to think we know cars but we can honestly say, if we saw this car driving along the road, it would probably take us a while to figure out what the hell it started out as.

This car is a Prius, but it's so far from stock, anyone who says these cars are unsexy and uncool obviously hasn't seen this Extreme Toyota Prius . It's got a custom paint job to die for, 20" rims, lowered suspension, racing seats and so many gadgets and gizmos inside you feel like you've died and gone to CES heaven.

The doors are borrowed from a Koenigseg but the engine and drivetrain are stock. The car's still 100% electric when the batteries are full, although we're not convinced the fuel efficiency is what it once was. One Sweet Ride.

See what happened when Streetfire did a Custom Paint Job on a Carrera GT ...

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