It's a good job there's only 1 car racing in this video from
EVSMotorsInc because when the light turns green, it just sits there! Dude, who's behind the wheel?
That being said, once the car spools up and gets going, ain't no denying it's damn quick. This is a
2JZ Powered 240SX S14 and you're about to see its 1600hp propel it through the 1/4 mile in 8.69 seconds at 169.43 mph. Nice.
And just to show that Mitsubishi drivers are equally adept at boosting performance,
JoeyMustang takes us to Puerto Rico where this
Evo IX is running a Forced Performance Green Turbo and is about to do a 9.59 second run at 142mph.

If you still need more 240SX, watch
NOPI Drift
Labels: 1600 hp, 240sx s14, Drag Strip