Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Kawasaki Screamer Wins $50 Amazon Gift Card for Tuesday

Kawasaki Screamer Wins $50 Amazon Gift Card for Tuesday

Brought to you by laminator.

The Kawasaki MotoGP Video screamed past all the others with 127 Kudos to win the $50 Amazon Gift Card for Tuesday. It's a cool clip of Kawasaki's race team testing their ZX-R MotoGP motorccycle. Monday's gift card went to TheRing with a video of Osaka Street Drifting.

Remember, anyone can participate and win in the Kudo contest. All you have to do is upload a video and if you receive the most links and favorites you become a ‘$50 gift card' richer! Also, if you see a video you think should win, just add it to you favorites and tell your friends and relatives to do the same. To see all the contest rules, click here.

View the Kawasaki Screamer video.

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