Sunday, April 13, 2008

V12 Mustang Takes the $50 Amazon card for Saturday

Tight race yesterday for our $50 Amazon Gift Card Kudo Chalenge. A Vauxhall Victor, lost out to the V12 Vanquish-Powered Mustang by a score of 21 to 31 Kudos. Micarone managed that total with 8 people adding the video to their favorites and 23 sites linking to it. MofoBucs took the most Kudos yesterday with 57, but since they are a StreetFire Channel partner their race compilation was not a part of yesterday’s competition. Maybe soon we’ll do a similar competition for Channel partners.

The Race for Today’s $50 Amazon Gift card is on, Click here to see how they’re doing so far. We’ll update you with today’s winner tomorrow around noon eastern time. If you want your chance to win a gift card, all you have to do is upload your video to StreetFire and try to get the most links and favorites that day! Click here to see the full rules.

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