Friday, April 18, 2008

Big Valley EVO X Video Wins Thursday's $50 Amazon Gift Card

Big Valley EVO X

Brought to you by Bigvalleypr.

As promised, we're giving away another $50 gift card! Today's top video uploader and winner of the $50 gift card is Bigvalleypr with a 1:30 video clip of Big Valley EVO X. The real action begins about 1:12 into the clip but you'll want to make sure you pay attention to the boards after the race, too.

Remember, anyone can participate and win in the Kudo contest. All you have to do is upload a video and if you receive the most links and favorites you become a ‘$50 gift card' richer! Also, if you see a video you think should win, just add it to you favorites and tell your friends and relatives to do the same. To see all the contest rules, click here.

View the Big Valley EVO X video.
