Sunday, September 21, 2008

2008 CHP 11-99 Rally

2008 CHP 11-99 Rally
speedandmotion can always be counted on to be at SoCal's best car gatherings and this one is no different.

If you own a fast and exotic car in Southern California, and are known to edge above the speed limit every once in a while, chances are you are a fully paid-up member of the CHP 11-99 foundation. This charitable organization, benefiting California Highway Patrol family members, also benefits those that contribute to the non-profit with less-harsh fines meted out at the roadside.

And, for good measure, there's an annual rally complete with CHP escorts (presumably with their radars turned off).

What sort of member cars showed up? Figure on pretty much every Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche you can think of, and add a Maserati MC12 for good measure!

2008 CHP 11-99 Rally
Since all the cars are, unsurprisingly, going past the camera pretty quickly, click here for pics of the cars in attendance.

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