Thursday, August 28, 2008

Senior Citizen Driver

Senior Citizen Driver
This is an oldie but a goody from tlrmade that was, allegedly, made by some of the guys up at Industrial Light & Magic when they got bored with all the new Star Wars stuff they were working on a couple of years ago.

If you live anywhere near Los Angeles you know how completely crap the traffic is on the 405 / 10 freeways. So, all the more peculiar that our Jeep-driving hero should find himself all alone on the 5-laner. All alone, that is, until a 747 decides that's a perfect place to land!

And, who better to encounter, cruising at a sedate 40mph up ahead, than a sweet Senior Citizen driving like they're going to their own funeral. Pretty funny stuff, and great effects, especially since Grandma has the last laugh.

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