Thursday, July 17, 2008

NOPI Update

NOPI UpdateIf, like us, you've been wondering why all has been a bit quiet on the NOPI front, here's some news from Michael Meyers himself.

Seems the downturn in the economy and the completely crap spring weather experienced by much of the country had a seriously detrimental effect on NOPI's spring season. And that underperformance means that NOPI has suspended operations for summer and fall 2008.

So, you're going to have to find something else to occupy your time because the NOPI Drag Racing Series, Drift Series and Nationals Motorsports Supershow are all canceled.

Let's hope that the company can restructure, reorganize and come back fighting in 2009, because the thought of no more NOPI really blows.

To everyone involved with NOPI - the organizers, sponsors, drivers and so on - good luck and we hope we'll see you all back in action real soon.

NOPI UpdateNOPI Update

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