Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Porsche Carrera GT compilation

Porsche Carrera GT compilation

BMWM1128 is a good friend to anyone who's a Porsche lover and, in particular, a Carrera GT lover.

VRAlexander's Porsche GT is a slick compilation of photos and video set to a great soundtrack that's embellished even further by the screaming engine and exhaust notes emanating from the CGT.

The best bit of the video has to be when the CGT roars through a Malibu, CA tunnel. That sound is worth losing your hearing for! Even better is the fact that our camera car appears to be CGT too! And a bright orange one at that.

Watch the cars slice through heavy LA freeway traffic, scream past surfers at the beach and wake up the neighbors in downtown Beverly Hills.

Can we have this car as our daily driver, please?

For some Porsche history and some gloriously-shot footage of the car, check out the Porsche Carrera GT Promo video.

Watch VRAlexander's Porsche GT video.

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