We've been getting a lot of anticipation for a new Bullrun episode and here it is! Watch as Mr. Angry gets well....angry when another contestant rear-ends his Charger Claus continues his winning ways by convincing the event staff to give him checkpoint cards early and driving his Cayenne 150+MPH!
BTW I chose the image above because your truly,
ksingh, of StreetFire is in it!
Recognize the Trans Am below? It's the one and only Team Trans am from the
Bullrun Reality Show. Mike and Morgan Alsop took their WS6 to Montreal to compete in the rally that inspired the TV show. I know that the rally didn't go without its glitches for Team Trans Am as I personally took the car to get the transmission rebuilt overnight while in Miami!
Go Check out the
Bullrun Photo Album!
Bullrun Episode #3Labels: Bullrun, Bullrun Rally 2007, Cops Cars Superstars, Rally