The car in this video from
ReedBrothersDodge doesn't even move and we don't even care!
How f***ing cool does this car look?! It's a 2008 Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR, which stands for American Club Racer. Because, obviously, 600HP is simply not enough to please people these days. They have to have just a little bit more.
And that's where the ACR edition comes in. While the motor is untouched, this beast of a machine gets several upgrades that reduce weight and, thus, give us more power. Amen to that!
Extra air-flow management, enhanced breaking (did you see the size of those rotors and calipers...), lightweight wheels and some additional weight-saving measures mean this car means very serious business.
We're in love with this car and we haven't even seen it move or heard it rumble. Who we gotta pay around here to get some goddamn RWD, tire-smoking action of this thing?
For some 2-wheels vs. 4-wheels action, who d'ya think's gonna win when it's a
Twin Turbo Dodge Viper vs. Turbo Suzuki Hayabusa Drool over the
2008 Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR here.
Labels: 2008 Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR, Dodge, RWD, Viper