Wednesday, June 13, 2007

StreetFire is hiring!

Yes, the rumors are true! StreetFire is growing faster than we can keep up with and we're in desperate need of programmers, designers, DBAs, heck, even a part time CFO.

#1 Requirement: You have to be a car nut, otherwise we don't want you.

#2 Requirement: Gotta work in Santa Monica California in view of the beach (hard life huh?).

#3 Requirement: You have to be a rock star in your field. These are ground floor job openings, with stock options and practically guaranteed seniority, so we're looking for the best.

What's on the horizon? Well, if you've followed the forum, we have lots of great ideas, and over the last few months, we've asked you what you want to see improved. Now it's time to stop asking and start doing, and we're growing the team to do it. Take a look at the job listings, if you don't see something that fits you, then PLEASE pass it along to other car nuts. We want to keep it in the family, so to speak, and want folks working with us that are going to get excited when we go to shows like NOPI, SEMA and PRI.

[Watch the StreetFire Recruitment Video]
[See our Job Openings]
[Discuss on the Forum]
