Saturday, July 15, 2006

Jeremy Clarkson: "GET OFF MY LAWN! you damn kids"

Looks like Jalopnik has found a very much alive Clarkson who managed to survive the vicious horses of Portugal. But in looking up our hero, I found an interesting story in the UK Something or other about a Sinister group called "PROWL" That is apparently rather torqued off that Jeremy Clarkson has erected a fence across his property blocking a local footpath around his Lighthouse home (See Diagram Above). Jeremy's Fence has even apparently upset the last wishes of a dying man to have his ashes scattered at that point. (on the basic of aesthetics of course).
"... My Dad died in January and had requested that we scatter him at Langness and put a bench there for him. Under the present circumstances, we don't want to do this as Langness looks more like Stalig 19 with all the barbed wire and such. ..."
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