Tuesday, July 08, 2008

NHRA Motorcycle Crashes

NHRA Motorcycle Crashes

If you've ever ridden a bike without a full-face helmet or full coverage, watching badelcamino 's compilation might make you think twice.

Never let it be said that NHRA riders don't have extremely large cojones to sit astride those bikes. This compilation of crashes screams "Ow, that must have f***ing hurt" from beginning to end.

And when a sand trap acts as nothing more than a slightly slower surface than the asphalt you've just left, and the chain metal fence you're heading towards at 100+mph is acting as your safety net, you just know that things are not going to end well.

Try not to wince when you watch NHRA Motorcycle Crashes

For a fiery crash that, amazingly, did not lead to fatalities, watch Crash At The O'Reilly NHRA

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