Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mean Truck Prank

Mean Truck Prank

Something tells me you don't want to piss off the guy who pulled this "prank."

Don't ask questions... because I don't know either! Is it real... or fake? Who knows... but the truck isn't fake. And by isn't I mean wasn't, because this poor little old pick up is sleeping with the fishes now!

Watching the video a second time, you have to applaud EXT for posting... I mean, it is damn entertaining.. I'm just not sure how to react to it!

Can I laugh out loud without having to worry about Karma smacking me in the back of the head?

Or should I feel sorry for whom ever that, soon-to-be coral infested, pick-up belonged to?

F*** it! Watch in Mean Truck Prank and enjoy the fact that it's not YOUR pick up!

Here is one of my favorite pranks ever to be done in car history!
This is the ultimate, the classic, Funny Car Prank

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