Saturday, June 07, 2008

PINKS All Out LIVE on StreetFire!

As Rich Christensen and his team from the hit SPEED program PINKS All Out whittle a record field of 500 entries down to the PINKS All Out 16 this weekend at Summit Motorsports Park in Norwalk, Ohio, will be offering streaming video of the process Saturday, beginning at 12PM ET right HERE on

Watch the Featured Channel Video player on the upper left hand side of the StreetFire Home Page.

Racers from five states and Canada will be taking their shot at making the 16-car field during the two time trial sessions, as $10,000 and a new NAPA tool chest will be awarded to the winner. The record number of entries tops that of the most recent event in Atlanta Dragway, where 483 started time trials. Expanded fields have been in response to extreme demands for a PINKS All Out entry, as the original 400 entries allotted for Norwalk sold out in a little over 12 minutes last December.

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