Wednesday, February 27, 2008

APR Stage 3 FSI VW GTi at Tuner Challenge

View VideoBrought to you by KeithAPR.

Let me start off saying we have not received a dime from APR. I'm blogging this to make a very loud point to all performance parts companies.

These guys have the smartest engineers, amazing half-million project cars, access to race tracks and they see 1000 HP cars every day. Don't tell us why your products are better with a boring marketing video. Make a badass video SHOWING us the cool cars you are working on. Even better, put your geekiest engineer on camera and walk us through the modifications you've done. Entertain us or educate us, don't sell us.

Do that and we'll happily feature your video to StreetFire's 2 million monthly viewers and I'll bet you actually sell more parts in the end.

This part is key, if you post links to your videos on message boards, don't spam them, contribute to the community.

Otherwise you'll get backlash like PowerTV has.

View the video.