Friday, April 13, 2007

System update, slow encoding times

Hey folks, well last month I asked you all to support StreetFire by uploading your videos here vs. other providers and you did, THANK YOU! Great news our number of uploads/day are way up, ....the bad news is they went up so fast not only did you guys chew through our excess capacity you blew away the new servers we brought online to handle the load. We're working hard on our end to catch up, but the time to encode a video has slowed to a crawl. Unacceptably slow encoding times. Our goal is 15 minutes not 15 hours, so we're working hard to try and fix the situation.

First, we've moved around the priority que a little to try and speed things up. Second we have pressed some storage servers into encoder service, the result will be Flash videos will catch up in time, but you'll see a lot of broken thumbnails until the WMV version gets processed. These stop gaps should get us down to a more reasonable time frame, but still not ideal.

Next week we're ordering a couple more servers, I can't say for sure how long they will take to get online but all I can say is bear with us, but most of all, PLEASE KEEP UPLOADING, it's a good thing we're rushing again to keep up with you all!!!

Thanks for your support, we're working hard over here!!!

