Sunday, March 04, 2007

Awesome NSX compilation

Arguably the coolest thing Honda makes is Nicky Haden's 2006 Championship MotoGP RC-211v, but what if you like your Hondas with 4 wheels? Well, over 15 years ago Honda tapped one of the greatest Formula 1 drivers, Aryton Senna, to help create their max effort halo car, the Acura NSX. All these years later and it's still an awesome piece of machinery and part of the pantheon of Japanese exotics. To celebrate, here is a great tribute video put together by user "5f2438e5"...(obviously someone who hasn't changed their user name yet...).... fantastic compilation, thanks for the submission, and we've added it to the Best of StreetFire section on iTunes. Keep up the good work!

[Direct Download from iTunes]
[Streaming on StreetFire]

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