Friday, December 08, 2006

CarPixTV Launches Video Sharing Site

So, one of our more prolific video teams are the folks at CarPixTV. Over the last couple of months, they've put up a great burn-out montage, put a Z06 and Shelby GT500 on Rt. 66, driven an Ariel Atom, played high society with a Rolls and finally Thrashed a Ford GT. Well, last month was the team's one year anniversary, and to celebrate they've launched their own video sharing web site*. Anyhow, maybe if Jeremy, Chris and I get more time we can get the site to site syndication working properly so the CarPix team can push some of their content back over here. In the meantime though, please visit their site to check out some great videos. Also check out their podcast on iTunes, if you want to download some of their vids!

[CarPixTV's video sharing Web Site]

*In case you're thinking this looks somewhat familiar, pardon us while we toot our own horn a bit. About two years ago, the founders of StreetFire split off the video technology to allow anyone to start their own video sharing web site. Today our technology is powering everything from StreetFire to Paint Ball video sites. For more information, check out more on that Story here

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