Hey folks, Jeremy and I are working up ideas for a design update on a couple of key pages, like the search result list page, video player page, upload page, member profile page, comments page, etc. When we asked for your input on this last time the #1 feature request was better search results. #2 was the ability to save videos to favorites. The embarrassing thing is that favorites already exist, but apparently wasn't obvious enough. (if you thumb up a video, it's automatically added to your "videos I like" on your profile page...
example). So what that tells me is we need to do a better job making the site easier to use with more obvious functionality.
So, right now I'm focusing on a new video search result page. (
example) And I think we need to add features like "sort by views, rating, date, etc", or "show me videos I haven't watched" or "show me videos my friends like",... what other features would you like to see on search results? How can I design search results to look better? Bigger thumb nails? One thumb per row?
Let us know!
Tell Us Your Suggestion]
Labels: Website update