Given how conservative car companies are with their advertising you have to admit this commercial is a bit edgy...showing a street race and all..nevermind the implication of teen sex out of wed-lock (gasp!).
I remember when the 1998 Trans Am commercials came out, GM legal had a hissy fit and wouldn't let Pontiac show two cars lining up at a traffic light for fear it would promote Street Racing. Fast forward to 2004 and GM still has it's panties in a wad and pulls the much loved
Corvette C6 commercial because...get this crap.... it promotes under age driving....My lord, did someone cure cancer or something where we now have to worry about underage driving? Anyhow kudos to Dodge for making a fun, young and relatively honest commercial about the then (when it was shot) SRT-4. PS if you're a big SRT fan I would recommend you
check out SRTforums.com.
SRT4 commercial]